
Do something fun to raise money for your campaign! You can have a lemonade stand, throw a party, bake cookies, shave your head, teach a class, lose weight, have a garage sale, walk for a cause.

Use your imagination to raise money for medical treatment, food, clean water, education, or helping others start a business.


Rebecca and Walk/Run Volunteers

Aid Africa’s Children holds an annual walk/run which has been a popular event and source of raising funds. People of all ages enjoy the exercise and fresh air while the proceeds have  provided fresh water, food, medical treatment, and other benefits for African children. This year, Aid Africa’s Children’s 9th Annual Walk/Run will be Saturday, April 29 at the RecPlex. Proceeds will be used for our clean water project in Ntemba Village. 

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Girl Scouts Prepare to Fundraise for Clean Water

Working with groups of friends puts the fun in Fundraising! It can be a very rewarding venture for you and your friends, or church, or classmates to work on a project together.  Two Girl Scout troops, the Daisy Troop 45263 (Kindergartners) and Junior Troop 40138 (4th graders) at B.J. Hooper School,  in Lindenhurst, Illinois are preparing to fundraise in April, 2017 for Aid Africa’s Children’s clean water project for the Ntemba Village in Tanzania.


These Girls put the Fun in Fundraising!

Over the years, Aid Africa’s Children has been lucky enough to have the support of students who embrace “global activism” and  “adopt a cause” to help our children in Africa.

One group we will forever treasure are the students at Gurnee’s Warren Township High School’s Future Leaders of America Club. They were intelligent, resourceful, organized, friendly, fun, and filled with boundless energy to help others. They not only had great bake sales, and car washes but provided great help during our annual benefit.