It Was A Life-Changing Meeting with Santa!

At Aid Africa’s Children’s fundraiser last year, Sophie had a special request in mind. Sophie is usually focused on getting her food and basic school needs met, but this was different. She wanted to let people know the kids at the creche didn’t have any toys.  

 It's hard to imagine a room full of toddlers without toys in America. But at Sophie’s Creche,  toys are a luxury that never win over food, water, or basic essentials.

Aid Africa’s Children donors,  Marty and Melva Stockwell were especially touched by Sophie’s plight. Melva has generously given her Facebook Birthday funds to Aid Africa’s Children for Sophie. And, as someone who enjoys playing the part of Santa Claus each year, Marty is especially sensitive to how much happiness and joy toys can bring children!  He was kind enough to give her funding so the kids could have toys.

Little did Sophie realize how life changing it would be meeting Santa and how Christmas was coming to the Creche early this year!