It’s Game Changer for These Villagers!


For those who live in the remote villages of Lake Tanganyika, a transport boat is their lifeline for accessing food, clothing or a health treatment. Aid Africa’s Children raised $3,000 for the much needed new boat engine for Brother Gasper of the Benedictine Monks of Mvimwa Abbey’s sole transport boat. For those who are his daily passengers, it was a welcome relief from the increasingly frequent boat engine stalling incidents.

Brother Gasper operates the transport boat seven days a week. He averages 25 people per day taking the 1-2 hours round trip boat ride across the lake. Time varies depending on weather conditions and pick up destinations along Lake Tanganyika.

Often the villagers will travel from Kalungu, (also, known as the Kigoma region of Tanzania), and go south to Kipili, Kirando, the Mandakelenge Village, and the Nvuna Village. The maps will give you an idea of Brother Gasper’s daily transport boat route. Some of the areas like the Mandakelenge Village are so remote, you can’t find them on Google Maps. (see maps below)

Winning boat engine!

Winning boat engine!

Kigoma map.

Kirando map.

Kipili and Mvuna Island map.